Cake ini orderan ci Anita buat her first son, Arel, yg ultah ke- 1 tgl 6 Jan yg lalu. Sempet bingung sm temanya, akhirnya pilihan terakhir jatuh ke cake yg temanya hijau, ada tamannya, pohon cemaranya, bunga2 kecil, rumah, mobil, danau kecil, tangga, plus Arel yg lg duduk di deket rumah ;). Hihihi... Banyak yaaaa :P.
Dengan semangat '45 ngerjain orderan ini sambil mikirrrr... Bakal jd kyk apa ya cakenya (berhubung isinya banyak bgt wkwkwkwk).
Base cake lapis surabaya, dekornya kombinasi antara buttercream n fondant. All u can eat kecuali tusuk giginya hihihi :)).

Waktu nganter ke rumahnya Ci Anita, semua yg udh dateng pada sibuk foto2in kuenya, sambil bilang, "Ihh, lucuuu...", sambil nanya, "Ini semua bisa dimakan nih? Bener nih? Bisa nih?". Hihihi...kyknya baru pertama kali liat cake pake fondant ^_^".
Happy 1st birthday Arel.... :)
Hi, just wanna say thank you for coloring my son's birthday. What a creative art work! And thanks for the doll. We name it "Monkeychie". He's one of my son's very first friends. He likes to hug him. Btw, waiting for your new logo to be launched.
ReplyDeleteHi ko.. Sorry just saw your comment :P. Thank youuu... Hope your son like them - both the cake n the doll :D.
ReplyDeleteAnd also thank you for reccomending me to your big family :)
PS: The logo has been launched! :D