On this special moment, La Vie Homemade Cakes & Cookies offers you classic n unique list of cookies... These cookies are made of perfect combination of butter & margarine, imported & local cheese: Best price with best quality!

Kindly take a look... And here's the list...
Lidah Kucing Rp xxx
Kue Kacang SkippyRp xxx
Sugar Butter Cookies Rp xxx
Sagu Keju Rp xxx
Putri Salju Mede Rp xxx
Sagu Susu Rp xxx
Iris Coklat Rp xxx
Koko Krunch Cookies Rp xxx
Chocolate Chip Cookies Rp xxx
Strawberry Mede Rp xxx
Nastar Rp xxx
Kaastengel Rp xxx
Do order, and don't be late..!!! :)
Kalo msh penasaran sama rasanya, ini dia nih comment dr bu Alya n mba Utin:
Bu Alya: "Makasih banyak, nastarnya dah dibuka nih, enak banget... Hehehe. Gbu."
Mba Utin: "Thx ya mba, kaastengelnya enak, kejunya terasaa bgt..." (maklum mba Utin ini penggemar berat keju:P)
Masih penasaran jg? Pesen ya... ;)