Nahh.. Cupcakes ini orderan Yeni buat sahabatnya di DATE JPCC. Berhubung rumah eik nun jauh di sana, jd lah temennya Yeni pick up sendiri cupcakesnya di Sency krn Yeni gak mau cupcakesnya dianter pake kurir...
Duhh.. Terharu deh liat persahabatan mereka, mudah2an Sallie seneng ya sama cupcakesnya ^_^
Hallo, eik yang ambil cakenya nih! hahaha
ReplyDeletecakenya wangi bangeettt, langsung tercium pas lagi cek cupcakenya. Everyone was very happy with the cupcakes, so was Sallie, what a perfect match with the birthday card ( gambarnya cupcake2 gitu),
so cute, and they taste good!! Sallie cant stop smiling, looking at her birthday cupcakes! LOL
cant wait for next order, sist ! :)
Let me know ya about price detail for cakes & cupcakes, etc
if u can send them to my email, it would be perfect! jessica.kurniawan@live.com
Jes, just saw your comment :). Telat bgt yah krn trnyata Jessica ini udh pesen lagi buat Yeni tmn datenya jg :P. Padahal Jessica ini cuma hasil promo customer dr mulut ke mulut xixixi..
ReplyDeleteSalut buat date SP5 yg kompaksss!! Keep being an influence to others :):):)